About Blanks Berry Farm

Jerrell & JanetBlanks Berry Farm is located in Northeast Alabama.

Jerrell and Janet Blanks’ retirement hobby has turned into a growing family business.  The business started from Jerrell’s love of farming.  We built the first greenhouse in 1998.  Now we have 4 greenhouses and about 5 acres of the farm in production of various vegetables and fruits. 

We built that first greenhouse with the intention of something to “play” with, raise some tomato plants and whatever.  However, when we really started raising plants and selling them, we loved it.

The farming operation started small also, with our personal garden.  We started using organic practices, leaf mulch for fertilizer and stopped using pesticides for insect control.  We also had two very large blueberry bushes (12 feet tall) that we started selling blueberries that we couldn’t use personally.  Now, we have over a hundred bushes that we pick from or you can come pick your own.  We have added blackberries and strawberries.  Other fruit we grow includes cantaloupes and watermelons.  We also grow a wide variety of tomatoes, including heirlooms, peppers, summer and winter squashes, peas, beans, corn, pumpkins, okra, lettuce and more.

One thing Jerrell loves to do is give people a tour of our farm when they come, and we’ve been told we have a little piece of paradise here.  We think so too.

UPDATE 2021:

A lot has changed over the years. Our business has evolved into a farm concentrating on growing good, clean food. People do like to eat and knowing where your food is grown is a trend that is not going away.

Because our focus has changed, we no longer sell plants here at the farm. All the plants we grow are planted out in the field and the produce is sold at farmers markets. Also, we have converted our greenhouses with raised beds to grow tomatoes for early market sales.

Y’all come see us.

Jerrell and Janet Blanks